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Endsight core values graphic design by Samuel Hatton.

Company core values

At Endsight, we are regarded as one of the top small business IT support providers in our region, and we are known for our ability to follow through and meet our clients’ needs time and time again.

That is a good description of what we are, but it does not define who we are. The Endsight Core Values define the who part of Endsight's makeup. We believe that our success depends on upholding, as an organization and as individuals, the following core values.

Respect and Connect

  • We believe that all people are worthy of respect and dignity.
  • We believe our lives are defined and enriched by the quality of our relationships with other people.
  • We believe that being authentic and vulnerable is respectful and enables us to connect with each other.
  • We believe teams that respect and connect outperform teams that don’t.
  • We are hive-minded.  We put our organizational objective above individual objectives, and we believe in the benefit of collective intelligence.
  • We have each other’s back.

Servant’s Heart

  • We believe a leader’s purpose is to serve their team, so that team members can serve our customers and each other.
  • We believe in excellent service and take pride in how our work impacts the lives of others, the communities we serve, and the communities they serve.
  • We believe in treating our teammates with the same high regard to service that we pay our customers.
  • We believe that our customers’ and our colleagues’ success requires and inspires our best performance as individuals.

Value Value

  • We believe that creating value for the customer is true north, and activities that don’t create value are MUDA.
  • We believe that customers will be willing to pay for what they truly value.
  • We believe in value stream thinking. We understand how our work affects the chain of work that creates value for customers.
  • We believe in systems thinking. We build systems for work that others can follow and achieve predictable outcomes.
  • We believe in constantly improving how we do work.
  • We believe that getting it right is more rewarding than being right.
  • We believe in taking the long view.

Progress Over Comfort

  • We believe getting good requires courage, discipline, and perseverance.
  • We pay attention to our mindset. We look at challenges as opportunities and take joy in doing the hard things.
  • We believe that helping customers thrive requires the courage to effectively engage in uncomfortable conversations about the toughest issues.
  • We believe that our ability to give and receive respectful feedback may not always be comfortable, but it is essential to progress.
  • We believe that progress is essential to thriving.

Our core values are the foundation

These values are the foundation for everything we do. The benefits to our clients are threefold: honest partnership, commitment to their long-term success, and unparalleled service they can always depend on.


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