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New Hire Checklists: Employee Onboarding & Employee Orientation

Presley Troendly
Presley Troendly
December 10, 2020

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Each time you add a user to your network, it can also open your network to potential risk if you do not have a set plan in place. Whether you  work with your information technology (IT) provider or set up employees yourself, new hire checklists ensure the process is done right every time.

You may have  just hired and are working on a short timeframe, or perhaps you plan to hire.  Either way, you want the employee onboarding experience to be both memorable and effective.

New hire onboarding checklist (before the first day)

Most people wait to start the IT portion of their onboarding process until the first day; often, this is too late! Include the following steps in your employee onboarding checklist to save your company time and money down the road.

Collect the new hire's personal identifiers:

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Job titles
  • Departments
  • Starting dates

Buy and set up new equipment:

  • Laptop or Desktop
  • Monitor
  • Docking station
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Cables
  • USB sticks
  • Phone
  • Printer/scanner

Install software, tools, and access rights the new hires will need:

  • Company email
  • Internal files
  • Business applications (e.g., Word, Excel, Adobe, etc.)

New hire orientation checklist

The first day should familiarize the new employee with their workstation and software. Make sure your company's IT strategy is a part of your orientation. Every office is different, and you want to get them started on the right foot.

Show employee how to access

  • Email
  • Internal communication
    • phone system
    • instant messaging apps
    • email groups
    • any other communication
  • Password Managers
  • Copies of manuals for hardware and software for easy reference

Explain how to use office equipment

  • Projectors
  • Video conference tools
  • Printers
  • Fax machines

Train new hires on cybersecurity and protocols

First off, all new employees should understand and sign data privacy agreements.

  • How to store digital files
  • How to share sensitive data
  • How to lock their computer and desk
  • How to access cybersecurity training

If you don't  have access to a training, then now is a good time to look into a cybersecurity training program.

Train new hires on how to reach technical support

You may want to use a document that you can share with new employees that includes the following:

  • Who your IT support is
  • The email and phones to contact them
  • Any procedures and tips when requesting technical assistance

If you want a sample document of what we send to new users, just ask.

Pro tip: Audit your new hire checklists

Once your employee has interacted with the network on their own, schedule another meeting to check-in with them. See the process through fresh eyes. This is the best way to improve your checklist. Processes change frequently, and reviewing this document between hires can ensure it stays up to date.

Test their knowledge

Ask about the following:

  • Security policies
  • Company best practices (emails, cybersecurity, equipment, etc.)
  • Tips for commonly used tools

Of course, this checklist is a general overview. However each company and department is going to have unique needs. If you are looking for help creating a more in-depth IT strategy framework for your company, please contact us.

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