As an IT decision-maker, you understand the importance of being prepared for any potential cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, many organizations wait until an incident occurs before creating an incident response plan, which can lead to costly and frustrating consequences. That's why it's crucial to have written policies in place before the need arises.
Regulators and insurance companies require organizations to have written policies in place to limit liability. These policies include an Incident Response plan to handle security incidents, an Acceptable Use plan to ensure employees are using corporate technology appropriately, and a Disaster Recovery policy. Each of these policies is essential to protecting your organization's sensitive data and minimizing damages in the event of an incident.
Don't Wait to Create Your Incident Response Plan
Don't wait for an incident to happen before creating an incident response plan. All insurance companies and regulators require a plan to be in place, and if you don't have one in place beforehand, your first cyber attack may be more than your business can handle. By having a plan in place, you can minimize damages and the cost of incidents to your organization.
Acceptable Use Policies: Addressing Forbidden Behaviors
It's also important to have a clear and comprehensive Acceptable Use plan in place. A "bad" AUP does not forbid something that you want to be forbidden. For example, if you don't mention that employees are not allowed to email sensitive client information to their non-work email accounts, you cannot expect that sort of behavior will not happen. A session with a security expert can quickly help you uncover what needs to be in your company's Acceptable Use Policy.
Disaster Recovery Policies: Clear Responsibilities and Decision Making
Disaster recovery policies should always include specific assignments for specific people to have specific responsibilities, but they should never be vague. In a disaster, clear decision-making and instructions are paramount. We want decisions to have been made clearly and with consensus beforehand, rather than in a panic.
Planning and Preparation are Key for Cybersecurity Success
In conclusion, planning and preparation are key when it comes to cybersecurity. By having written policies in place, you can improve performance and reduce costs in cyber security. Don't wait until you're in the midst of an emergency to start thinking about these things – take the time to plan and prepare now so you're better equipped to handle any challenges that may come your way.
Are you looking for more information on cybersecurity policies? Sign up for our Security Office Hours where Endsight's Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) will answer any questions you may have.